DISCLAIMER: These are simply suggestions from my personal experience and not a replacement for qualified veterinary care. Please seek professional medical care for your cat as needed.
Important Notes
It is advisable to keep kitten in a small confined space for 3-5 days when first brought home. Have few or no places for them to hide—
*A necessity if you have existing pets.*
That during times of stress affects them on a cellular level (like going to a new home) cats can show temporary signs of illness which may include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, diarrhea and or constipation. To reduce stress, feed the kitten the same food as the breeder and offer bottled water as well as taking reasonable measures to reduce stress. Introduce the kitten to your family and other pets slowly. Place kitten with carrier in a small room such as a utility room with that door left open. This gives the kitten their “safe place” to return to if they feel threatened by other pets. They will then be able to gain confidence and acclimate themselves to their new surroundings and environment. Responsibility rests solely on the Buyer to make sure the kitten drinks plenty of water in the next few days to insure kitten does not become dehydrated. Dehydration from stress in young kittens can cause liver damage and lead to kidney failure.
What litter do you use?
I use Feline Pine Original because I feel it is the easiest, safe for the environment and the cats and the cleanest. It also doesn’t cause a cloud of dust that the cats and I will breathe in. Kittens like to play and sleep/hide in the litter box, it might cause them to sneeze and some like to eat it, which can lead to pancreatitis or liver disease, diabetes or blockages.
What litter boxes do you prefer? I prefer the Nature's Miracle or Van Ness enclosed litter boxes Large and Jumbo (CP6 &CP&). The Van Ness enclosed sifting litter box would work also because it works well with the feline pine. They can also be used as an emergency carrier if you tape the flap closed. I do not use Flap or Filters or liners
What food do you feed them?
Kittens get Purina Kitten Chow for access all day and are fed canned food Friskies but only 2 flavors ( Mixed Grill or Super Supper) Special KItty. They also have access to fresh clean water all day. Milk causes diarrhea.
IMPERATIVE: Do not change kitten/cats food for 6 months, and then it must be (titrated) done very slowly.
Due to stress, cats need to acclimate before making a drastic change, if you do it drastically they will get diarrhea.
After 6 months the kitten/cat's diet can be changed to a high quality food of your choice. Cats thrive best when consistently fed high quality food and not doing so can lead to health issues. A cat needs 3–4 weeks to adjust to a new food--frequent changes can lead also to extreme bowel issues. If you have questions regarding food choices, please don't hesitate to contact me.
What other brands do I recommend?
Abady, Natural Balance, but check the availability.
Inferior foods contain artificial fillers, colors, and carbohydrates that a cat’s system cannot filter out leading to many issues including diarrhea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Some cats can be allergic to chicken causing many of the same symptoms. Dry food leads to many horrible chronic diseases in cats. Cats need diets high in protein not carbohydrates and fillers. Iams, Eukanuba, Wellness, and Fancy Feast are some of the worst foods to feed your cat. ‘What you put in is what you will get out’.
Especially males, they have a small Urethra, need food with a low ash count. Foods now, are formulated to form crystals and not stones, leading to more expensive diagnostic tests (X-ray vs. Sonogram) to detect blockages or mucous plugs.
*Never feed the following brands: Fancy Feast, Eukanuba, Iams, Hills Science, AND ESPECIALLY BLUE BUFFALO*.
Chocolate—large quantities toxic to cats
Onion and garlic—large amounts toxic to cats
Grapes and raisins—choking hazard and can lead to kidney damage
Avocado—small amounts toxic to cats
Raw egg and raw fish—cause nutrient imbalances if fed too frequently, raw eggs transmit food-borne illnesses
Milk and other dairy products—too much can lead to diarrhea and abdominal cramping
2 jars Gerber 2nd food Lamb and Chicken
Baby rice cereal (upset stomach and diarrhea)
What flea treatment do you recommend?
I recommend Revolution (from Vet) for flea treatment. This is a spot on treatment that is applied once a month. Fleas can be active all year round and not just in the summer months. Regional fleas can also be different and difficult to treat when out of control. Consult your vet to see what they recommend. I recommend treating for fleas 12 months a year.
I also, recommend Revolution, it treats for the same things as Frontline but also heartworms, roundworms, hookworms and ear mites, but is not a strong wormer.
Can you give the Rabies vaccination?
No because, only a licensed vet in the state of New York can give the shot. The first shot is usually given at around 4-6 months. Then yearly (if given exactly within a month of original)-every 3 years depending on your vet. I recommend the shot be given at 6 months not sooner and then never again.
Why I do not want the kittens declawed?
With proper nail maintenance it is not necessary. When you declaw them you are removing the first knuckle along with the claw. The cats will very rarely ever let you touch their paws again and when feeling threatened, they will bite and can be more aggressive. The new laser surgery is still being investigated.
Why worm kittens and cats?
All kittens are born with worms. I worm kittens at 2, 4,6,8,10,12 weeks of age and then every 1-3 months throughout their life. Cats can get worms from bugs or other animals they ingest the same as fleas.
Every 2 weeks until 3 months of age, starting at 3 weeks old.
Once a month from 3 to 6 months of age.
After 6 months, follow adult recommendations.
Adult Cats
Treat regularly, considering potential exposure to parasites (example: four times a year)
A continued surveillance of parasite prevalence in your area is recommended.
Other Recommendations
Micro chipping it’s safe and non invasive, and probably the only way to maybe get back a lost animal. It can be done without anesthesia but vets prefer to do it when altering an animal.
Short trips in the car followed with a treat on return home. This gets cat used to car rides and carrier, making vet trips less stressful and filled with panic.
Items I recommend to have
Simple solutions for stain and odor removal or Shout
Urine Off
Large Crazy Circle
Cat Tunnel without crackle material
Bulls Eye pill pusher
Pill Crusher
Nail trimmer – I use humans
Cat carrier
Flea comb
Greyhound comb
Slicker Brush
Pet Café feeder
Pet café waterer or Fresh flow waterer electronic
Stainless steel bowls
Nice sturdy cat climber or tree scratching post
Cat teasers
Van Ness Sifting Jumbo Litter box (CP7) / Nature's MIracle
Laundry squirt bottle
Liquid Band-Aid
Suggestions for cat first aid kit
Container (fishing tackle box) / Adhesive tape – 1-inch roll
Betadine solution (dilute 1:10) / Cotton balls
Cotton-tipped applicators / Eye dropper (plastic)
Flashlight / Gauze pads – 3 x 3 inch
Gauze Roll – 3 inch / Hairball remedy (commercial)
Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) / Linen cloth, sheet or blanket
Scissors (blunt-tipped) / Syringe, plastic or glass, 10cc
Teaspoon / Thermometer (digital)
Triple antibiotic ointment / Tweezers (thumb forceps)
Bulls Eye Pill pusher / Pill crusher
Liquid Band-Aid
How to introduce a kitten to other pets
Always remember that the many new sights, noises and smells can be a bit overwhelming for a kitten. Here are a few tips for helping your new family member.
Choose a room in which your kitten is comfortable for introducing new people and pets. Interact with her by speaking to her quietly, sitting on the floor next to her and petting her, or enticing her into a game with a toy.
If your kitten is coming into a family setting, introduce each family member one at a time, allowing her several minutes to get to know each person.
**Before introduction you can wipe down each animal with a small towel and give the scent to the other animal to sleep with and get familiar.
Introducing other cats: The best way to promote friendly relationships between cats is to introduce them gradually, always making sure that your resident cat feels comfortable as he slowly begins to accept the new kitten as part of the family.
Some kittens may be timid or fearful during the first days in their new home. If your kitten seeks out a hiding place, such as under a chair or behind furniture, do not disturb him. Maintain peace and quiet in the area and wait for him to come out when he has become more comfortable with his new surroundings. Always wait for your kitten to approach you if he is nervous – remain sitting on the floor and encourage him to climb into your lap or play with a toy. Although it is tempting to shower a timid kitten with affection, the key to helping shy newcomers is to allow them to control the pace of the introductions!
Providing ‘safe places’ for cats is an important part of maintaining peace and keeping them safe from harm in multiple-pet homes. This is especially important when cats are living with dogs. If your kitten learns that he can escape unwanted attention by moving to a designated resting area that is not accessible to the dog, this will help him feel secure in your home. Since cats enjoy resting and sometimes hiding in elevated places, a raised platform or climbing structure with cubby holes is a great way to provide these places in multiple-pet homes.
Introducing dogs: A first, your kitten may be naturally frightened by even the sight and smell of your dog, (we have a English Mastiff that often interacted with the kittens). If you do not know how your dog will react to a cat, keep your dog on a lead and under strict control to prevent or correct any unwanted behaviors. Monitor each animal’s behavior carefully, slowly allowing them increased time together as they become accustomed to each other. NOTE: never allow your dog to chase or harass the kitten.
Common household drugs for home veterinary use
Betadine Solution (topical antiseptic and wound cleaner): Dilute 1:10.
Dramamine (motion sickness): 12.5 mg one hour before traveling.
Hydrogen Peroxide (3percent): To induce vomiting –one teaspoon per five pounds body weight (up to three teaspoons per dose) every 10 minutes, or until the cat vomits. Repeat three times only.
Kaopectate (diarrhea): ½ to one teaspoon per five pounds body weight every two to six hours.
Panolog (ear drops and ointment): As directed.
Robitussin (cough): ¼ teaspoon per five pounds body weight every six hours.
Triple Antibiotic Ointment (surface skin infection): Apply two or three times a day.
White Petroleum Jelly (not carbolated): Intestinal Foreign Bodies: ½ teaspoon, once or twice a week. Apply to cat’s nose.
Whole Psyllium Husk (diarrhea): pinch to 1/8 tsp. in wet food with a lot of water
Sweet potato or pumpkin puree: (diarrhea); 1 tsp in wet food 2xa day
If cat is ever on antibiotics use a vanilla yogurt with live acidophilus cultures and feed 1 tsp. 2x a day for 1 week.